We understand the importance of copyright and its role in protecting your creative potential and intellectual property. That's why we strive to provide customized legal solutions that meet your specific needs and goals.

With many years of experience in the field of copyright, we will provide you with competent and professional support at every stage of the protection of your rights and interests.

The nature of authorship is crucial to copyright and intellectual property law. The concept of intellectual property covers rights to various types of works such as literary, artistic and scientific works, musical works, broadcasts, industrial designs and inventions, trademarks and others. Intellectual property law also regulates the possibilities of transferring these rights for a certain period or permanently, for a specific territory, in a certain way, number of copies or broadcasts and other conditions. Intellectual property protection is usually for a certain period of time, after which the intellectual property can be used freely.

Our Law office offers various services and consultations in the field of copyright, which include:

  • Consultations on establishing authorship and legal protection of copyright and intellectual property.
  • Patenting of inventions and registration of utility models, including substantive legal advice.
  • Consultations and assistance in matters related to trademarks, including registration and proceedings, legal challenges and the relationship between Bulgarian and European trademarks.
  • Consultation and assistance in registration and protection of trademarks, including exhaustion of trademark rights.
  • Consultations on the substantive law of patents, patent registration, expertise and disputes.
  • Production contracts and contracts for the distribution of works.
  • Terms of use of author's works and protection of intellectual property on the Internet.
  • Infringement of intellectual property on the Internet and relevant protection measures.
  • Consultations and assistance in concluding contracts;
  • Consultations and representation before the court in connection with the filing of claims for compensation in case of infringement of copyright, related rights or other rights according to the Law on copyright and its related rights.